
 Aspect Ratio (Theatrical):

35mm - 1.66:1 (?)

  Aspect Ratio (Disc Transfer):

1.37:1 (?)


No disc features.

LaserDisc Entertainment / Caballero

Film Credits

Written by: Andrew Blake, Montgomery Plum

Directed by: Andrew Blake

Starring: Paula Price, Randy Spears, Tami Monroe, Cheri Taylor, Lauren Hall, Erica Boyer, Brianna Rai, Randy West, Raquel Darrian



Night Trips II is the follow-up to Andrew Blake's Night Trips, winner of the Best Adult Film of the Year award for 1989. As with House of Dreams reviewed earlier this issue, Night Trips II also delves into the dream/fantasy world and exhibits once more Blake's strong innovative visual flair and style. The scenes themselves constantly shift between various photographic styles that resemble a conceptual MTV music video (or one of those "artsy" perfume commercials - it's softly-lit one moment, black & white the next, and then heavily grainy (purposely) immediately after. The editing of such scenes and styles is expertly handled.

Paula Price portrays a woman with sexual emotions so strong that momentary relief can only gained by "exploring" herself whenever possible. Wanting to do something about her "condition," she seeks help from The Mindscan Foundation and sexologist Randy Spears. Price is hooked into an experimental "mindscan imager" that converts her dreams/fantasies into viewable video images, and Spears and his female assistant monitor Price's condition. Needless to say, a variety of scenarios are played out by Price and performers Tami Monroe, Cheri Taylor, Lauren Hall, Erica Boyer, Brianna Rai, Randy West and Raquel Darrian.

The image quality of the non-fantasy sequences isn't the greatest, being rather soft with overly-saturated color and orange-ish fleshtones. But when the fantasy scenes come on, you'd be hard-pressed to notice any problems, since the rapidly-varying photographic style neatly and conveniently covers up those formerly-noticeable flaws. As for the black & white footage, it transfers very well and is fairly sharp and crisp. The CX-encoded analog mono soundtrack is in fair condition and features another appropriate, though uninteresting, score by Rock Hard. Although the film runs a scant 76 minutes, the entire disc is CLV. Night Trips II was pressed at Pioneer and has not been chapter encoded.



Review by the Jeff Krispow
Originally Published in "Pond Scum" #26

Original Review: 11/91
Last Updated: 05/23/97