
 Aspect Ratio (Theatrical):

35mm - 1.66:1 (?)

  Aspect Ratio (Disc Transfer):

1.37:1 (?)


LaserDisc Entertainment / Caballero

Film Credits

Written by: Andrew Blake, Montgomery Plum

Directed by: Andrew Blake

Starring: Zara Whites, Ashlyn Gere, Jeanna Fine, Raven Veronica Doll, Saber, Randy West, Danielle Rodgers, Sebatian, Valerie Stone, Honey Rose (Nikki Wilde), Randy Spears, Kristen, Rocco Siffredi



In the world of adult films, it isn't often that something original, daring or stylish gets produced. House of Dreams is just such a film, and its a nice change from the norm. Shot on 35mm film rather than videotape, co-writer/photographer/director Andrew Blake gives the film a touch of class through his softly lit and beautifully photographed images, giving the film a true erotic atmosphere that you won't find in most other "X"-rated titles. In fact, all aspects of the production are first-rate, from the casting, to the settings, to the editing. The film even has an appropriately classy (though ultimately dull) stereo surround score by Rock Hard (no comments about the name, please).

House of Dreams revolves around Zara Whites and the dream-like out-of-body fantasies she experiences while, uh, "satisfying" herself. As Zara's fantasy self wanders throughout the house, she views and participates in a variety of sexual activities. The film is completely silent with the exception of a couple whispered lines of dialogue at the very beginning. Other featured players include Ashlyn Gere, Jeanna Fine, Raven, Saber, Honey Rose (aka Nikki Wilde) and Randy West.

The LaserDisc Entertainment disc of House of Dreams is generally quite good. The 35mm source material has a slightly fuzzy focus, which is not surprising due to the nature of the photography. While the colors look natural, flesh and earthtones often exhibit video noise. Side two, which is in CAV, has three steady still-frames followed by two jittery ones. In a surprise move, the CX-encoded stereo surround soundtrack, which is in very good condition, has actually been digitally-encoded (and unless I'm mistaken, this is a first for an adult title). The disc also has eight unlisted chapter markers, one for each vignette. House of Dreams was pressed at Pioneer, and our copy exhibited a nasty defect during the last minute or so of side one - it wouldn't hold a freeze-frame, the picture would start skipping forwards then backwards, and then it would lock up.

Released concurrently with House of Dreams was Night Trips II, another Andrew Blake film that explores erotic fantasies.



Review by Jeff Krispow
Originally Published in "Pond Scum" #26

Original Review: 11/91
Last Updated: 05/16/97